SALVATION4ALL...It's cool to believe.

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The way of Jesus...I come to you with complete love and without pretense. We are flesh we are blood. We are complete in who we are. We are the truth. God made us whole in our imperfection. Trust God. God has faith in you. Have faith in yourself.

Eric Clapton And Steve Winwood Have Always Shared Their Relationship With God Freely.

I May Not Be What You Want Me To Be But I Am What I Want Me To Be And I Am What God Wants Me To Be.I Don't Portend To Any Greatness  I Am Happy To Be God's Lost Lamb Looking For And Seeking The Path Of Righteousness, When I Find It You'll Be The First To Know.I am 67 years old soon to be 68 on July 1st. I am God's Bad Boy, Very Bad Boy(someone's got to put God to work) God took me sometime before my 5th birthday and set me on this path. I was born in the love and heart of Jesus when I was 10 years old. I quit the Christian Church to never return to a specific physical location again. I questioned my faith constantly. In my mind I could never measure up to Jesus' expectations. I always felt failure. In the 70's I met Kirby Hensley the founder of Universal Life Church and he ordained me and scolded me about being timid. I tried for many years and in many ways to be a good Christian. I was a complete failure. On Dec.8, 2001 I fell to my knees and begged and pleaded to God for help. God decided that he would have me build this website, and create an accidental oasis for sinners like you and me. I was ordained again in 2001 and have Pastored ever since. Please use this site to your advantage.Nothing is required. No donations or participation is required or expected. This site is from God to you and for you exclusively. I am the caretaker. I will Post Music Videos That Relate To My Realtionship With God And You. Please Indulge Yourself. Please, Please, Please Don't Forget To Push
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This is my favorite Jesus story. Jesus' crew put together a memorable bash in his honor(not the last bash) For their hearts were filled with love and joy for the teacher. They were gleeful in their celebration but noticed that Jesus was not celebrating with them but he was breaking bread and drinking wine with the enemy: Thieves, Rapists, Murderers, Tax Collectors and such. When critisized by his followers Jesus spoke. "You are the righteous, the pure, the clean. You don't need me. I choose to be with the unclean for they need me more than you.